Thursday, September 16, 2010


Yes, I know, what a lovely name for a blog post.

But...I'm feeling weird today. Do you have that friend....that one that you used to be really close to and now you're not? That one that was your best friend and even though you had your differences you still wish ya'll talked? And does that friend have new friends and it really pisses you off? Because how can someone just erase you from their life, right? I mean, I don't pretend to be perfect, but I'm still a good person. And I've always been a good friend, even if you didn't think it at the time I was telling you that sleeping with that guy was a bad idea.

I know it's bad to keep all this jealousy and loathing inside, so I'm letting it AAALLLL out tonight, mmmk?

I don't necessarily mind that we don't talk anymore because to tell you the truth we didn't get along all that well anyway. The part that pisses me off is that she's happy with other friends who can't POSSIBLY be as cool as me. And I'm here, in Madison, alone, and my sister/mother is best friend and it SUCKS because the one friend I do have down here she keeps STEALING back.

I hate that she had a boyfriend too. She should be really unhappy without me. And unhappy with her life since she's still in the same place doing the same damn thing she did 2 years ago, and I have definitely moved on with my life.

She also should NOT make up with friends that she talked shit to me about. If those new-old friends knew the things she said about them...they wouldn't come close to her again.

Also, WHY are you always on my FB newsfeed? I have about 500 other friends and of course, the FB Gods decide to smite me everyday and show me just how fucking fantastic your life without me is. Fuck You, FB Gods. And Fuck You, Old Friend.

I'm better off without you.

(Now, while all the things in this blog are true (at least in my perspective), I may be exaggerating my feelings just a bit. It's just that kind of day. No need to send flowers or chocolates, I'm fine. Really.)

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