Wednesday, August 04, 2010

I need a J-O-B

Hey guys! So sorry I haven't been updating regularly lately, but I've been so busy! Busy trying to get everything moved and then everything unpacked and in its place...and now, I have NOTHING to do. And I HATE it. I'm supposed to be working and making money. I'm not supposed to be sitting around and relying on my parents for everything. I know that it's only been two weeks since I took boards, but I feel so impatient about this. 


I'm trying to stay positive and keep in mind that God has a plan for me, but it's really difficult. I mean, I literally have $50 to my name right now. And while I know my parents will help me out, I don't want them to have to, ya know?

I am so discouraged that through ALL of these job applications (I swear, I've applied for at least 20 jobs since this past April) and I haven't gotten even ONE call for an interview. NOT ONE. Are you kidding me? Nursing jobs are supposed to be easy to find! And I have a freakin' BACHELORS! I am more qualified than most, so why am I not getting any calls? 

I don't know what to do except wait a little longer. Hopefully UMC or Baptist will call soon. If not, I have no idea what I'm gonna do.

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