Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Ya'll. I am SO sorry that I've been MIA recently. I just started my new job (yay!) and I'm so busy and completely worn out. I've been working since the 18th, but yesterday and today were my first days actually up on the floor (I've been in orientation the whole time). I was completely flabbergasted and nervous and worried, mainly because I haven't even been in a hospital in 6 mos and would I forget all of my skills? Good news: they're coming back to me!

The hardest part about all of this new stuff is the computer equipment! They have no paper charting (meds or nurse's notes), and I am NOT used to that. I am so used to descriptive charting and signing MAlderman, SN-UMC...all of this paperless stuff is freaking me out. Not that it's necessarily very difficult (I AM a child of the computer-age), it's just trying to get it all figured out that I can do it without thinking about it. Does that make sense?

Anywho, I feel like I might actually be getting the hang of it, though. Maybe. Eventually.

My VERY FIRST day on the floor, not 20 minutes after I clocked in for the first time up there... a patient coded.

CODE BLUE (or Code 99 as we call it at Baptist).

Oh my word. We were just walking down the hall and they called for A. (my preceptor) to come check...and called a code. They thought he'd had a seizure, but later determined he'd thrown a PE (Pulmonary Embolism= a blood clot, air bubble or piece of fat breaks off (most often from the legs) and travels to the lungs, where it blocks the main artery). He was completely fine one second, Post-Op Day 2, and then 5 seconds later wasn't breathing. The Rapid Response Team was unable to save him. Way to start off my very first job, right?

Thankfully, I was very busy all day, so I didn't get to dwell on the terrible start to the day.

Today was better. I'm starting to get the hang of the computers and such (knock on wood). 12 hour days are great (you only work 3-4 days a week!), but SUCK for your back, knees, feet, etc.

Also--get this: I JUST graduated from nursing school in May. I feel in NO WAY ready or able to answer questions of current nursing students. Yeah, I've passed the NCLEX (whoo!), but that doesn't make me a real nurse, right? I guess technically it does, but I certainly don't feel like I have the knowledge and expertise to help them!
Well, yesterday and today we had 10 nursing students (SN: that's a LOT of students running around! I would never be rude to them like some nurses were rude to me, but I can understand how having them all around throws off your whole groove) from Hinds County CC on our floor. And they ALL asked me questions. Bless their souls, they had no way of knowing I am brand new and don't hardly know any more than they do! I tried my best to answer the simple questions, though, and today I actually knew some answers (actual answers, not an "Oh, lemme go ask A.). Progress, right? I know. :)

Well, if you haven't gathered, or don't already know, I work on an Orthopedic floor. It's mainly Post-Op patients. 98% of them had either hip or knee surgery. Many have traction and crazy wound dressings. I'm certainly getting in my Med/Surg experience. I've had the sweetest little old people for patients, though, and they make my job enjoyable.

So, I'm gonna stop talking about work now. That's pretty much all I've done or thought about in 2 weeks, though. :)

Tomorrow's my day off and I'm gonna sleep SO late.
And then I'm gonna go hang with Rachel.

G'night, everyone!


  1. So glad we got to hang out and eat unhealthy tonight...two of my favorite things to do! Loooove you!
