Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wee Bit Wednesdays

{one} do you collect anything? if so, what and how long have you been collecting? 
I love having all of my favorite tv shows/movies on dvd. I buy books ALL the time. I have over 50 gigs of (just) music on my iPod. Do these things count? :)

{two} what is one cleaning tip that you swear by? 

I don't clean unless it's a necessity. That's what I swear by.

{three} who would you call for bail money? 
Oh man. If I were down here in the Jackson area, I'd have to call Rachel or my parents. But, if I were in the North MS area, I would definitely call Amanda or my Aunt Nancy.

{four} what is one thing you miss about being a kid? 
I took for granted all the time that I had to do what I wanted. No job, no bills-- just being a kid. Yeah, I had school and stuff, but I spent so much time just hanging out! I miss that. It's hard to make time for yourself when you have to prioritize sleep.

{five} name a few of your guilty pleasures. 
sweets of any kind. fanfiction. teen mom/16 & pregnant. diet coke (i always feel SO guilty when I have one!)

{six} how early do you start your holiday shopping? 
About two weeks before Christmas. :) Yep, I'm one of THOSE people.

{seven} what is a family tradition that you would like to pass on to your significant other/children?
Thanksgiving dinners at my grandmother's house with the whole family and yelling at the tv (football games). Always having at least one present that you DON'T know is coming at Christmastime. There are so many more. 

{eight} what do you consider your greatest achievement? 
Nursing school is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I consider it my greatest achievement just to get through it alive. Maybe I didn't make the best grades, but I passed boards on the first time, so I'm happy.

{nine} what do you do to pamper yourself? 
I buy books, movies, etc. when I have a little extra. If I'm feeling really tired I'll take an afternoon to just relax and watch tv/read/sleep.

{ten} if you were to start your own restaurant, what would it be called? 
hmmm... I don't really want a restaurant, but I'd love a music/book shop. So I think I'd call that Bounded Sounds. 
or Pages Bound and Sweet Sounds.

Ok, maybe neither of those. But that's the best I could come up with on such short notice!

1 comment:

  1. surprise christmas gifts are the best!
