Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm crazy

Do you ever have something in your life that you know is bad for you, yet you keep going back? Not necessarily something that could kill or injure you, but something you logically know you should stay away from? But for some frickin' reason you keep drifting back? I've been struggling with something for a while now. I know it is a bad idea. Everybody tells me so. I am again..

I wish I could just jump ahead a few years so I could know if it's really as bad for me as everybody says it would be. You know? Like, I wish I could get a look at both futures: one if I stay around said "bad" thing and two, if I don't. Wouldn't that be nice? To just see...and decide which future you prefer.

Anyway. Moving on... Still reading Wicked. Still LOVING it. It's quickly becoming one of my favorites. Read a sentence out of it yesterday that really struck a chord with me, and I'm going to share it.

One of the characters has just witnessed something horrible that changes his world view....

"Was it an accident that I saw? Or is it just that the world unwraps itself to you, again and again, as soon as you are ready to see it anew?"

I think this quote can be applied to everyday life. You're going along and suddenly you see something. Was it FATE? Or is it you just saw it because you're finally looking for that thing to change your opinion? Because you're finally READY to see that thing that changes your opinion? That previously you could have seen the same thing, yet it wouldn't have mattered because you weren't ready?

Am I making any sense? It's late at night. I'm going to sleep.

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