Monday, April 12, 2010

Gaze... I Want To Gaze At You

I know you're thinking... Geez, Meg, 2 posts in 1 night? How am I supposed to keep up? But I just have to share this...

I am not the most religious person. Sure, I am a Christian and I went to church when I was younger, but I haven't been in longer than I care to admit. I pray and I thank Him, but He has not been an active part of my life in a long while...until recently. Nursing School is hard, people. I know they tell everyone that, but you can't really understand it until you live it, right? Well I've recently begun praising Him more...simply because I realized that without His help, I would never make it through.

Today, I was visiting a friend and she had her TV set to a random music channel. It happened to be the "Spirit" channel. I heard a song called "Yahweh" by Tal and Acacia. I liked it, but didn't really get to listen to the lyrics since I was entertaining a toddler. I made a mental note to look it up later.

I just found it on YouTube and listened intently to the lyrics....and began to cry. Through this beautiful song, I feel Him asking for my worship again. And He reminds me that I should praise Him in this storm. That I owe everything to HIM.

I feel that He knows music is my thing. He knows exactly how to reach me. And so, he sent me a message.

I should feel so lucky that he loves and cares for me enough to reach out to me.

Here is the song. It's a new favorite.

I want to Gaze at you
Soak in all you do
so simply at your feet
To your voice so sweet

As I simply Praise
My Lord I cry
Jehovah Elohim
The Lord Most High
and When my hands are raised
My Knees they fall
As I simply Praise

As I see your blood stains
As I see your pain
And I'll dance, dance, dance
Because I am set free
You are my conqueror
Jehovah Nissi
And Let time Pass Away


Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
So Let time Pass Away


My Daddy, My Abba, My Best Friend

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